LEADERSHIP IS EVERYONE'S BUSINESS - podujatie na tickpo-sk


by VTP Žilina Základné info: Banka Žilina,Legionárska 1,Žilina,Slovenská republika
23. apríl, 2018 | po | 17:00 Pridaj do kalendára


Veľmi sa tešíme, že môžeme v Banke privítať Jacka Webstera, amerického pastora, ktorý pôsobil 7 rokov ako CEO pre FCS - Farm Credit Services of America (info aj na wiki). Jack prednáša aj na univerzite v Oklahome a vďaka svojmu povolaniu je skvelým rečníkom, preto sme si istí, že vás zaujme nielen témou leadershipu - ako budovať úspešnú firmu a nebyť na všetko sám, nebyť jediným, komu na tom záleží, ale motivovať a viesť každého člena firmy k samostatnému uvažovaniu a k snahe rásť.

V úvode nám Jack predstaví svoju prácu a všetky najdôležitejšie zistenia, skúsenosti a výsledky za roky jeho praxe v oblasti leadershipu zhrnie do tých najpodstatnejších bodov a následne otvoríme moderovanú diskusiu.

Viac o našom speakrovi na jeho linkedin profile. Moderátorom diskusie je náš coworker a kamarát Janči Máhrik :)

Čo nám k téme povedal samotný Jack? 

"My topic would be an overview of research data on the characteristics of great leaders, and what they do to get great results. It is based on statistically validated research and confirmed by me and many other leaders I know who have used the material.  The company I led as president and ceo won “best place to work” recognition and had year after year of strong results by using the material. It is based on the book, The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes and Posner."

Tešíme sa na vás!

V cene lístka je občerstvenie.


We are glad to introduce you Jack Webster here in Banka Žilina. Jack is an amarican pastor and he worked 7 years for FCS - Farm Credit Services of America. Jack gives lectures at the university of Oklahoma and his profession makes him a great speaker. So we are sure, that you will be charmed by him and also by the interesting topic of leadership - how to build a successful company and dont be the only one who cares. 

At the beginnig, Jack introduces us into his job and most important resoltes and experiences about years of practicing leadership. After that we will open a moderated discussion.

More about our speaker on his linkedin profile. Discussion will be moderated by Janči Máhrik, our coworker and friend :)

And what said Jack about it? 

"My topic would be an overview of research data on the characteristics of great leaders, and what they do to get great results. It is based on statistically validated research and confirmed by me and many other leaders I know who have used the material.  The company I led as president and ceo won “best place to work” recognition and had year after year of strong results by using the material. It is based on the book, The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes and Posner." Jack Webster

We are looking forward to see you!

Refreshment included.


Miesto konania eventu

Banka Žilina,Legionárska 1,Žilina,Slovenská republika

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Kontakt na organizátora

VTP Žilina


Fakturačné údaje

VTP Žilina

Legionárska 1,
01001 Žilina
Slovenská republika

IČO: 37807196
DIČ: 2021623813
IČ DPH: SK2021623813



Veľmi sa tešíme, že môžeme v Banke privítať Jacka Webstera, amerického pastora, ktorý pôsobil 7 rokov ako CEO pre FCS - Farm Credit Services of America (info aj na wiki). Jack prednáša aj na univerzite v Oklahome a vďaka svojmu povolaniu je skvelým rečníkom, preto sme si istí, že vás zaujme nielen témou leadershipu - ako budovať úspešnú firmu a nebyť na všetko sám, nebyť jediným, komu na tom záleží, ale motivovať a viesť každého člena firmy k samostatnému uvažovaniu a k snahe rásť.

V úvode nám Jack predstaví svoju prácu a všetky najdôležitejšie zistenia, skúsenosti a výsledky za roky jeho praxe v oblasti leadershipu zhrnie do tých najpodstatnejších bodov a následne otvoríme moderovanú diskusiu.

Viac o našom speakrovi na jeho linkedin profile. Moderátorom diskusie je náš coworker a kamarát Janči Máhrik :)

Čo nám k téme povedal samotný Jack? 

"My topic would be an overview of research data on the characteristics of great leaders, and what they do to get great results. It is based on statistically validated research and confirmed by me and many other leaders I know who have used the material.  The company I led as president and ceo won “best place to work” recognition and had year after year of strong results by using the material. It is based on the book, The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes and Posner."

Tešíme sa na vás!

V cene lístka je občerstvenie.


We are glad to introduce you Jack Webster here in Banka Žilina. Jack is an amarican pastor and he worked 7 years for FCS - Farm Credit Services of America. Jack gives lectures at the university of Oklahoma and his profession makes him a great speaker. So we are sure, that you will be charmed by him and also by the interesting topic of leadership - how to build a successful company and dont be the only one who cares. 

At the beginnig, Jack introduces us into his job and most important resoltes and experiences about years of practicing leadership. After that we will open a moderated discussion.

More about our speaker on his linkedin profile. Discussion will be moderated by Janči Máhrik, our coworker and friend :)

And what said Jack about it? 

"My topic would be an overview of research data on the characteristics of great leaders, and what they do to get great results. It is based on statistically validated research and confirmed by me and many other leaders I know who have used the material.  The company I led as president and ceo won “best place to work” recognition and had year after year of strong results by using the material. It is based on the book, The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes and Posner." Jack Webster

We are looking forward to see you!

Refreshment included.




Banka Žilina,Legionárska 1,Žilina,Slovenská republika

Pozrieť na mape

Kontakt na organizátora

VTP Žilina


Fakturačné údaje

VTP Žilina

VTP Žilina
Legionárska 1
01001 Žilina

IČO: 37807196
DIČ: 2021623813
IČ DPH: SK2021623813